Sessions with Lisa are 60 minutes by Zoom, FaceTime or Phone Call

My name is Sonny Lunsford.

I am a Virgo. An Enneagram 9 Peacemaker.

A Profane Sage. A Poet.

An Intuitive Coach.

A queer womxn carving her path beyond the straight and narrow.

I grew up a “good girl”. A Christian, southern, daddy’s girl.

Sunshine was my childhood nickname.

These identities, fortified by copious amounts of chaos and trauma, were the lines I meticulously colored in. If I ever stepped out, the fear and guilt was debilitating.

This blueprint became the mappings for my adulthood. It worked for a really long time because the systems in our society are set up to reward this kind of corralling of a woman’s spirit.

In my 30s a really hard kind of adulthood hit me. It knocked me over the head and drug me to my bed for a couple of years. Two miscarriages, a complete deconstruction of my life-long faith, and separation from my first family had me confronting all the things I’d been running from for years. It shattered all my indoctrinated beliefs of the world and the identities and roles that had kept me safe in it.

This tail spin sent me on a journey towards myself. Through a few years of concentrated inner work in different modalities of therapy, energy healing, plant medicine (and the million other little bread crumbs I followed along the way), I grew up and left behind those carefully crafted lines I’d contained myself in for so long. In my healing, I created intuitive processes and practices for myself that have cultivated a life that calls forward the continuous expansion of my expression and those around me.

THIS is the SPACE I offer my coaching clients.

I walk beside womxn and gender queer folk in the midst of awakening.

Those people mumbling under their breath…

“What the fuck? Have I really chosen this?”

“I can’t keep doing this…there’s got to be a better way…”

“I’ve been duped…no one told me…”

“Where are my people?”

“There. Must. Be. More…”

I help people get in touch with their inner knowing so they can carve out a new way for themselves. A way that is natural, intuitive and unique to them. A way in which they can be themselves and attract the gifts in life that support their journey and expression.

To sum it up:

I help people tune in to themselves so they can radiate out and turn their mundane into magic!

And sweet goddess, do I love doing it!