Waking Up
We physically wake up in this world with almost no effort. By alarm or instinct our bodies wake into this world every morning.
The mind sputters on, eyes open, and boom, we are awake. It can feel quite jarring, as we are forced from the warm, safe, womb of our dream lands into the unpredictable, often overwhelming, realm of the hustle bustle. Simply because it’s time. It’s time to wake up, so we wake up.
I spoke with a client recently about this. She said that most days she dreads waking up and it’s difficult for her to get out of bed. So we asked the questions, “How could you slowly transition and enter into this world? What could you do in the mornings that would make you excited to wake up?”
We physically wake up in this world with almost no effort at all, but how do we wake up consciously? How can you, with care for yourself, wake your mind, body, and heart to be in connection and alignment with the big, true YOU, to ease into this booming world and give you steadier legs to stand on. It requires some intention.
My morning routine: I wake up to my alarm at 6am. In a slow sleepwalk-y state, I put on water for coffee, use the bathroom, rinse my face, then back to the kitchen to pour the coffee grounds and water in the French press. As the coffee brews, and my mind and body begin waking up, I become more intentional in my motions. I open the blinds and clear out my space in the living room where I’ll sit for my rituals. I light a candle, and say something like, “Today I choose this day,” or “I am so grateful for the amazing things happening in my life.” Then I set out a large glass of water, an affirmation deck, my oils, journal or whatever else I feel inspired to incorporate. Then back to the coffee, and here I begin tuning into my senses. The smell of the coffee, the weight of the press in my hand, the sound of rushing coffee into the mug, the visual of color changing as I stir in all my fixins. Then back to the couch to tune in and calibrate. I observe what state I woke up in, then gently care for and guide my being into the frequency I want it to rest in that day by whatever practices I choose or do not choose that day. Some days, it is simply drinking coffee and staring out the window at my favorite tree. Then I blow out the candle to start my day.
I anticipate the FEELING of these mornings. It gets me excited to wake up and empowers my engagement in the day. It feels much less like work and more like a delightful pleasure.
It is not always as perfect as this. My 5 year old is almost always awake, but I’ve found ways to make it happen by letting go of the perfect ideal, and receiving whatever goodness I can get.
After our discussion, my client’s big takeaway was, “I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to allow myself to have nice mornings. I’d never wake up my daughter the way I wake myself.”
I fucking love it. Treat yourself kindly. Enjoy your life. Choose your life.