Towards Beauty
I want to create…
beautiful things…
that breathe life…
into that which has little.
To be a vessel where new life sprouts. A hatchery for goodness.
To persistently guide my energies towards building up. Towards compassion, generosity, mercy, and kindness. Towards beauty.
To reserve dismantling for myself, as a means of personal refinement, and releasing others to choose as they will.
Life…love…connection…beauty…healing…this is what allures me, and calls me to blanket myself with things more lovely.
Not giving way to the gravity of life, but creating, in the midst of it. In spite of it. Because of it.
Not to be dragged down and trapped in the mud, left to suffocate, but to blossom and transform in it.
To exist in the darkness, yet point to life.
A flower does not ask to blossom, she just does, as she can, as her environment allows her…
and I am a flower of a most special variety…
I am the flower that chooses her environment, encouraging growth from that which brings light and sustenance. Absorbing and releasing. Converting toxins into breathable air, hardship to joy, death to life.
And I choose more and more to entrust myself to those who would speak sweetly to me, those who would choose to dance through life, those who would wonder, and those who would wander.