How To Fall In Love With Your Own Music/Art/Creativity/Self

As a musician, one of the things I hear the most from other musicians is how they can’t stand the sound of their own voice. Or they can’t stand to listen to their own record.

Wait. What?

You mean that the thing that you do in life that means the most to you - the thing that you spend the most time on - the thing that you say gives you the most purpose - you’re telling me that is also the thing that is the hardest to enjoy?

The crazier part of this is that I see this view of disliking one’s own talent celebrated in our society. I see really big artists post things on the internet like - “If you listen to your own music you’re weird.” or “You’re full of yourself.” - I’ve even seem meme’s made to make fun of an artist for enjoying their own art.

This my friends is a problem.

If there’s one thing that I’m proud of as a musician, a creative type - it’s that I LOVE listening to my own music. When I really think about it - I probably listen to my music more than I listen to any other music. Honestly. If I can be super vulnerable with you. I am my favorite songwriter in the world. I am my favorite singer. It’s actually me that I spend time dreaming of sounding like.

When I put on my own record - I sit there in disbelief of how this creation magically and supernaturally poured out of - get this - meeeee. What? That’s so cool that when David Lunsford grabs a guitar and opens his heart and mouth that songs pour out. And not just any songs, but songs with amazing lyrics that seconds ago were not available in my brain.

I think the same way about my work as an Intuitive Life Coach. It’s so cool that when David Lunsford sits with someone and hears their story - that somehow, this magical uprising of wisdom that has never been spoken from my lips before - begins to pour out of my mouth and heals the person sitting across from me.

There is magic inside of all of us. An endless well of creativity waiting just beyond our recycled ideas of what’s right and wrong - what’s smart and foolish - what’s successful and lazy. All of these expectations or thoughts that we lead our lives with are damning up our river of creativity that just wants to be allowed to move through your body.

Whatever you are putting out into the world - you’ve gotta be the one who loves it. Fuck the idea that it might not be good enough - anything that pours out of your body is a miracle.

Your existence is a miracle. YOU are a miracle.

I watched this movie the other day called “Everything Everywhere All At Once” and walked away feeling like - HOLY SHIT - this life is a crazy mother fucker where no one - not one of us has any idea what the fuck is going on. And that thought is very unsettling.

None of us have any idea what is going on - why we are here - what we are for - why we exist.

So… with that said - if you are spending time judging yourself and others. Disliking the creativity that pours out of these mysterious bodies. Disliking our bodies:) Disliking ourselves.


Then we have a problem.

The solution: (And Btdubs - this is for everyone - wether you consider yourself to be creative or not.)

Love the hell out of yourself. Love the hell out of your voice. Love the hell out of your music. Love the hell out of your art. Love the hell out of your creativity. Love the hell out of your work. Love the hell out of your body. Love the hell out of your friends. Love the hell out of your family.

Love the hell out of you.

It’s the only way forward.

I know I love the hell out of you:)

I wish you well my emotional creative friends,



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